6 Puff Pastry Art Ideas

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You can use puff pastry to create beautiful pastry art.

You can can shapes like butterflies, windmills, or intricate designs like the duchess shape.

Pastry shapes can be filled with your favorite fillings like jam, pastry cream, custard, or cream cheese filling.

After you’ve shaped and filled your pastry art, give the pastry and egg wash right before you’re ready to bake them. The egg wash gives a golden sheen to the pastry art.

See video here.

Puff Pastry Art Ideas

Curled Pastry

  1. Cut a rectangular shape of pastry dough ~ 2″x4″.
  2. Fill the center will jam or custard.
  3. Pinch 2 opposing pastry dough together to create the curled Danish

Butterfly Pastry

  1. Cut a piece of pastry 5″ x 5″.
  2. Cut 2 small triangles on opposing sides of the square.
  3. From the edge of the triangle you just cut, slice the pastry at an angle to create a point. Repeat on the other side.
  4. Fill the centers with custard.
  5. Fold the pastry over the custard downward on one side.
  6. Fold the pastry over the custard upward on one side.
  7. Pinch the ends of the point together.

Duchess Pastry

  1. Cut a piece of pastry 5″ x 5″.
  2. Cut the square 1 inch from the edges of the square giving a 1 cm border.
  3. Continue cutting into an angle shape.
  4. Repeat on the other side.
  5. Fill the center with custard.
  6. Fold the cut corner over the pastry.
  7. Fold the other cut corner over to the other side.

Windmill Pastry

  1. Cut a piece of pastry 5″ x 5″.
  2. Cut 4 slices into the pastry starting at the points. Leave a 1″x1″ box in the center for the filling.
  3. Fold the corner of one of the points into the center.
  4. Fold all of the corners into the center.
  5. Fill the center with custard.

Envelope Pastry

  1. Cut a piece of pastry 5″ x 5″.
  2. Fold the corner of one of the 4 points into the center.
  3. Continue folding each corner into the center of the pastry.
  4. Fill the center with custard.

Circle Center Filled Pastry

  1. Cut 2 pieces of pastry 5″ x 5″.
  2. Cut a circle in the center of one of pieces of pastry.
  3. Remove the circle.
  4. Place the cut pastry on top of the square pastry.
  5. Fill the circle with custard.

How long to bake pastry art for

Bake Danish pastries for 15 minutes at 400 degrees F.