How to Color Macarons

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Macarons are colored by using food coloring, tea, coffee, lavender, roses, or cookie crumbs to color them.

What kind of food coloring do you use to color macarons

*Do not use any water based food coloring as that will interfere. This is due to the macarons having a very specific liquid to dry ingredient ratio. By adding liquid to the macaronage this will throw off the recipe unfortunately making the macarons not turn out.

See video here.

How to use gel food coloring to color macarons

  • Use a toothpick to obtain a small amount of food colouring
  • Add food colouring to your initial egg whites
  • Add in your almond flour and icing sugar
  • Mix together until combined into a dark colour

 How to use powdered food colouring to color macarons

  • Measure 1/4 teaspoon powdered food colouring
  • And food colouring to egg whites
  • Mix with almond flour and icing sugar until fully combined

How to use coffee, Oreo crumbs or cocoa powder in macarons for adding color and flavour to your macaron shells

  • Add anywhere from ¼ tsp to 4 tsp of cocoa powder or coffee grounds to your egg whites
  • Mix with almond flour and icing sugar until fully combined
coffee macaron
coffee macaron

How to use tea in macarons

  • Place the tea leaves in a mortar and pestle
  • Grind up the tea – not too much that it forms a powder. You still want to be able to see the tea leaves, but not for them to be in large pieces
  • Place the tea into the egg whites. Mix the leaves with the almond flour and icing sugar until fully combined

What other foods can you use to color macaron shells

  • Rose petals
  • Basil leaves
  • Rosemary

When can you add sprinkles or a dusting of coffee or Oreo crumbs to the shells

  • Add these items once you’ve piped out your macarons, do not wait to add these decorations. As soon as you’ve piped them, add the decorations. Then let them dry before putting them in the oven. 
macaron before baking

What can you use to decorate the macaron shell other than coloring after they’re done baking

  • White/milk/dark chocolate streaks across the shell
  • Dipped in chocolate
  • Dipped in caramel
  • Dipped in chocolate and nuts
  • Chocolate streaks and then a dusting of sprinkles
  • Chocolate and pistachios

How can you use paint to color macarons

Use a powdered food color, for example – gold dust. Add a pinch of it to a tiny bowl. Add a couple drops of a light extract where the flavor will not interfere too much with the macaron. Almond extract is my go to. Next, use a food safe paint brush to paint onto the macaron. Let it dry for 30 min before adding any filling to it.

unicorn macarons

Are there markers you can use on a macaron?

Use an edible marker to draw on the macaron shell to create your own designs.

polar bear macaron
How to Guides

You can personalize your macarons by adding text for the person you’re making them for!

“Happy Birthday Abby!”

You can also paint faces of animals on macarons like our Bear Macarons or Unicorn Macarons.

Coloring macarons is fun to do when you have the right tools to do so. Add food coloring by using gel or powder food coloring, tea, coffee, cocoa, Oreo crumbs, or rose petals to the egg whites. Then add the icing sugar and almond flour and mix until the color has fully integrated into the macaron batter. To add color after the shells have cooled, you can add chocolate or caramel in streaks across the shells. Or, dip your macarons and add nuts, pistachios or sprinkles for an added touch of color.

pink macaron-with dark chocolate ganache filling
pink macaron with dark chocolate ganache filling