Christmas macarons make for a beautiful and unique gift for family and friends.
You can make Christmas tree macarons, snowflake macarons, snowman macarons, or Santa macarons using simple designs.
If you need some ideas on what to fill your Christmas macarons with, check out these Christmas macaron flavor ideas.
See full video.
Templates for Christmas Macarons
You can make Christmas macarons using a template that you create yourself, or free hand the design.
If you’re wanting to make your own Christmas macaron template, you can use one of your cookie cutters, or free hand your own template.
To free hand your own template, use parchment paper and draw your design out using a pencil.
You might need to make a “forward” and “reverse” design if you’re making a Santa hat.
Most designs will only need 1 template.
To make your own template using a cookie cutter, place the cookie cutter on top of parchment paper.
Trace the outside or inside of the cookie cutter using a pencil, depending on what’s easiest.
You could make multiple tracings of the cookie cutter to make it easier to pipe out the macaron batter.
Place the template parchment paper tracer underneath your Silpat mat or Clean parchment paper that you’re going to pipe your macarons onto.
If you’re planning on free-handing the piping, pick a tip that’s appropriate for your design.
If you’re making a snowman macaron, pick a 1/2″ tip.
If you’re making a Christmas tree macaron, you’ll want a narrower tip like a 1/4″ tip to create the points of the Christmas tree.
You can use your favorite macaron recipe and bake for the exact time in your recipe to make these tree shaped macarons.
Snowman Macarons
Snowman macarons use “plain” macaron batter that isn’t colored.
- Place plain macaron batter into a piping bag fitted with a 1/2″ tip.
- Place Silpat mat or parchment paper onto an aluminum baking pan.
- Pipe head first, it should be small ~ 3/4″ – 1″. Pipe a small circle and quickly swipe the piping bag to remove it from the circle.
- Pipe the body next in the same way, making it a little bigger than the head.
- Pipe the bottom in the same way, and make it slightly larger than the body.
- Pipe all of the snowman in this way.
- Let dry for 30 minutes.
- Bake your macarons for the same amount of time in your recipe.
- Let the shells cool to room temperature – about 20 min.
- Fill macarons with filling, and sandwich them together to create the snowman macarons.
- You’ll only need to draw on one side of the snowman macarons. Draw 2 eyes on the face, and a smile off to the side. Draw 3 buttons down the body to the bottom in the center of the snowman.
- Dust a small bit of orange powdered food coloring onto a plate. Add a couple of drops of almond extract on top of the powdered food coloring. Use a food safe paint brush to mix them together to create your paint.
- Using a thin tipped food safe paint brush, add the carrot shaped nose to the face of the snowman.
- Let the snowman macarons dry for 30 minutes prior to storing in the fridge or freezer.
Christmas Tree Macarons
Color your macaron batter using green powdered food coloring or green gel food coloring.
- Place green macaron batter into a piping bag fitted with a 1/4″ tip. You’ll want a narrow tip to create the pointed edges of the tree.
- Place Silpat mat or parchment paper onto an aluminum baking pan.
- Place tracer underneath Silpat or parchment paper.
- Pipe beginning at the top of the tree first, then outline the tree.
- Fill in the center of the tree.
- Pipe all of the Christmas tree macarons in this way.
- Remove tracer from the baking pan.
- Let dry for 30 minutes.
- Bake your macarons for the same amount of time in your recipe.
- Let the shells cool to room temperature – about 20 min.
- Fill Christmas tree macarons with filling, and sandwich them together.
- Melt a small amount of chocolate – you could use white chocolate, milk chocolate or dark chocolate.
- Using a spoon, dip it in the chocolate, get rid of the excess, and add it to the Christmas tree. You’ll want to start a little bit down from the tip, and make the chocolate zig zag on the Christmas tree macaron. There should be 3 lines of chocolate on the Christmas tree macaron.
- Add sprinkles to the chocolate.
- Let the Christmas tree macarons dry for 30 minutes prior to storing in the fridge or freezer.
Santa Hat Macarons
You’ll need to make 2 different colored macaron batters – one for the face, and one for the hat using red powdered food coloring or red gel food coloring.
In the example below, one macaron batter is “plain” – no color, and one is red.
- Place Silpat mat or parchment paper onto an aluminum baking pan.
- Place tracer underneath Silpat or parchment paper.
- Pipe macarons using the face color as normal – 1/2″ tip, in a circle. Leave a little more room above and below the macaron for the hat. Keep a reserve of the plain macaron batter for the end of the hat.
- Place red macaron batter into a piping bag fitted with a 1/4″ tip.
- Starting at the edge of the face, pipe along the edge of the macaron on the top of the face. Pipe a small triangle going off to one side. This will create the hat. You’ll need to pipe the hat going to the other side as well to create a sandwich macaron.
- At the edge of the triangle, pipe a small circle using the plain colored macaron batter for the pom pom of the hat.
- Pipe all of your macarons this way.
- Remove tracer from the baking pan.
- Let dry for 30 minutes.
- Bake your macarons for the same amount of time in your recipe.
- Let the shells cool to room temperature – about 20 min.
- Fill Santa hat macarons with filling, and sandwich them together.
- Draw on the eyes and eye brows using an edible marker.
- Melt a small amount of white chocolate.
- Use a toothpick to add the nose and mustache, and little on the eyebrows.
- Let the Santa hat macarons dry for 30 minutes prior to storing in the fridge or freezer.
Santa Body Macarons
Color your macaron batter using red powdered food coloring or red gel food coloring.
Red macarons need a little more color than you think, it’s best to use at least 1/2 tsp of powdered food coloring, or more red gel food coloring than you normally would.
Red can turn into pink if you don’t have enough coloring, therefore it’s best to use more than you think you need to.
- Place Silpat mat or parchment paper onto an aluminum baking pan.
- Pipe macarons as normal using a 1/2″ tip, in a circle.
- Let dry for 30 minutes.
- Bake your macarons for the same amount of time in your recipe.
- Let the shells cool to room temperature – about 20 min.
- Fill Santa body macarons with filling, and sandwich them together.
- Using an edible marker, draw a thick line to create the belt on the macaron in the lower half of the circle.
- Melt a small amount of white chocolate.
- Use a toothpick to add 2 dots of chocolate to create the buttons on the Santa body macaron. You could draw on the buttons as well if you prefer.
- Dust a small bit of gold powdered food coloring onto a plate. Add a couple of drops of almond extract on top of the powdered food coloring. Use a food safe paint brush to mix them together to create your paint.
- Using a thin tipped food safe paint brush, paint a square in the middle of the black belt you drew on the macaron earlier. Add a straight line on the side of the square to create the “belt hook”. See photos below.
- Let the Santa body macarons dry for 30 minutes prior to storing in the fridge or freezer.
Snowflake Macarons
Snowflake macarons can be made with plain macaron batter, blue macaron batter, or your favorite colored macaron.
- Place Silpat mat or parchment paper onto an aluminum baking pan.
- Pipe macarons as normal using a 1/2″ tip, in a circle.
- Let macarons dry for 30 minutes.
- Bake your macarons for the same amount of time in your recipe.
- Let the shells cool to room temperature – about 20 min.
- Fill snowflake macarons with filling, and sandwich them together.
- Dust a small bit of gold powdered food coloring onto a plate. Add a couple of drops of almond extract on top of the powdered food coloring. Use a food safe paint brush to mix them together to create your paint.
- Using a pointed tipped food safe paint brush, draw a line across the macaron. Then draw a line perpendicular to the line you just drew so it should look like a cross. Add a small “v” at the edge of one of the lines. Continue making V shapes along all of the lines until you’ll filled your macaron to the edges with your glittering gold snowflake.
- Let the snowflake macarons dry for 30 minutes prior to storing in the fridge or freezer