To seal dough, this depends on what type of dough you are sealing. If you’re sealing puff pastry, use a bit of water or egg to seal the edges together. You can pinch the pastry together to seal the dough.
Be sure not to overfill with filling. If any of your filling gets on the pastry you want to seal, this can make it difficult to seal the pastry together. This is due to the oil or fat that is present in your filling. Water or eggs cannot seal fat together, so it makes it difficult to seal your dough.
When making foods like a calzone or a sausage roll, make sure your dough is at room temperature. This will make it easy to roll out and seal your dough.
Dip your finger into a tiny bit of water Run your finer around the edges of the dough you want to seal, dipping with more water as needed. Pull the dough over your filling. Seal the dough first with your fingers. Squish the dough together firmly. Use a fork to push the dough together to create the final seal for your dough. Bake your dough. Enjoy!
Once you’ve sealed the dough with your fingers by pushing down on the dough, use a fork to press down on the edges of the pastry to complete the seal. The calzone/dough pockets need to be poked on the top with a fork to allow for aeration. This helps let the steam out of your food when it’s cooking. The seal will remain intact without the steam trying to push open your pastry dough.
How to seal puff pastry without eggs
You can seal puff pastry without eggs by using water. Dip your finger into a dish of water and run your finger down the pastry where you plan to seal the edges. Press the edges together. Then use a fork to push the seams together which will create a good seal for puff pastry.
How to seal pastry edges
Pastry edges can be sealed using water or egg along the very edge of pastry. Squish the pastry edges together once you have wet the edges with water or egg. This should hold the seal well for pastry.
What is a pastry crimper?
A pastry crimper seals the edges of dough and adds decoration to the dough as you run it along the edges. A pastry crimper is going to cut the dough for you to give you that beautiful edging on ravioli, pie crust, etc.
A pastry crimper is also known as a pastry edger.
You can make decorations for your pie crust using a pastry edger. If you want to make some decorations for the top of your pie crust, you can use cookie cutters to cut your pie crust into shapes. Then use your pastry edger to make the edges have a bit more texture and depth to them. Your guests will love how beautiful your pie turns out.
If you don’t have a pastry edger, you can also use your fingers to pinch the pie crust to make it have triangles all the way around the pie. Another way to decorate the pie ege is by pushing the dough in between your 1 index fingers and folding it in a tiny bit at an angle. This will create long pieces of dough that will fold in and create a rope looking decoration all around your pie. If you want a more simple design, push the tip of your finger into the dough all the way around the pie to make small rounded circles for your pastry edge. You can get creative with utensils at home by using a fork and criss crossing a design on your pastry edge.