5 Affogato Ice Cream Flavors

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Affogato is an Italian dessert where you pour freshly brewed espresso over ice cream.

You can use your favorite ice cream flavors including chocolate, vanilla, salted caramel or cookie dough for a special after dinner dessert.

Garnish with a few white chocolate or milk chocolate shavings for a sweeter, creamier finish to your affogato.

Vanilla Ice Cream

Vanilla ice cream has a distinct aromatic flavor that has as sweet finish.

It’s best to pick a French vanilla ice cream, due to its rich flavor.

French vanilla ice cream has a custard base made by tempering eggs.

This gives the ice cream the creamiest possible texture, with its lavish vanilla flavoring.

You should be able to find French vanilla ice cream made with real vanilla beans, which will be the best choice for making affogato with.

To make affogato, a freshly brewed espresso shot is poured over the vanilla ice cream.

The hot espresso melts the vanilla ice cream just a little bit.

The melted vanilla flavors, combined with the hot espresso is a sweet and savory dessert that will tantalize your taste buds.

Affogato Ice Cream

Espresso Ice Cream

Espresso ice cream is the next most popular flavor of ice cream for affogato.

Espresso affogato is coffee on coffee flavor! It can be overpowering with coffee flavor, but coffee lovers will LOVE this flavor combination!

Chocolate Ice Cream

Chocolate ice cream is a rich, creamy ice cream for affogato.

Chocolate and espresso pair well together, and the espresso will tone down the chocolatey flavor.

Chocolate ice cream on its own can be quite strong, therefore having the espresso to calm down the flavor works well together.

Salted Caramel Ice Cream

Salted caramel affogato has a delicious caramel and coffee flavor to it.

Salted caramel ice cream has sweet and salty notes. It pairs well with espresso for a caramel flavored affogato.

Cookie dough ice cream adds hint of cookie flavor to your affogato.

Cookie dough combined with espresso has a buttery, brown sugar flavor, with notes of espresso.

You’ll love this flavor combination for affogato!

Garnish for Affogato

Affogato can be garnished with a couple of chocolate shavings.

Another option is to served affogato with a piece of biscotti.

Affogato Ice Cream

The chocolate gives the affogato and chocolatey espresso finish, combined with the tasty vanilla ice cream.

You’ll have to try it to embrace this incredible affogato ice cream dessert.