How to Sift Almond Flour Faster

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To sift almond flour faster, use a medium mesh strainer or colander instead of a sifter.

A regular sifter has fine mesh which makes the clumps of almonds difficult to separate into the fine, light almond flour that you need to make macarons.

See video here.

What is the best sifter to use for macarons

ExcelSteel Heavy Mesh Colander

  • Medium sized mesh for easily sifting almond flour
  • Handles on both sides – easy to hold steady while sifting
  • Ergonomically friendly
  • Made so it can rest on the top of a bowl
  • Stainless steel – strong, resists wear and tear, dishwasher safe
How to Sift Almond Flour Faster

If your almond flour is quite clumped together, you can use a food processor to grind up your almond flour to more of a fine powder. Then sift your almond flour after it’s a bit finer of a grind.

Macarons have a smooth texture, and melt in your mouth when you eat them. Sifting almond flour and icing sugar together give you that velvety texture you are trying to achieve.

How to Sift Almond Flour Faster
sift almond flour faster by using a strainer or colander

How does a sifter work

A sifter works separating clumps of food through a mesh.

It falls through the mesh by gravity.

Give the sifter a light tap to make the food fall through to your bowl below.

Sifting almond flour of icing sugar for macarons creates air and increases the surface area. This makes the dry ingredients easily incorporate with the wet ingredients giving it an even distribution. 

After you’re done sifting your almond flour measure the amount on a scale to get an accurate reading. Always measure your sifted ingredients after you’ve sifted them. 

What’s the best almond flour to use for macarons

The best almond flour to use for macarons is one that has been sifted already.

Blue Diamond Almond Flour comes already sifted so you know you’re getting a fine ground.

Be sure to sift the almond flour again when you’re using it to make macarons.

how does a sifter work with almond flour

How to sift almond flour and icing sugar for macarons

  1. Place almond flour into a mesh strainer or sifter. It should be about ⅓-½ full. Don’t overfill the sifter because it will be impossible to use! It’s better to sift in small batches. 
  2. Tap the edge of the strainer until all of the almond flour has passed through that can.
  3. Excess almond flour that wont pass through-discard this portion.
  4. Weigh almond flour out to the proper measurement.
  5. Place almond flour into your mixing bowl.
  6. Sift icing sugar into a separate bowl. Discard any balls of icing sugar that won’t pass through the sifter-either that or use the excess for macaron filling later on.
  7. Weigh icing sugar out to the proper measurement.
  8. Place icing sugar into your mixing bowl with almond flour.

Do you need to sift almond flour for macarons

Yes! If you do not sift your almond flour before weighing out your recipe, you are actually packing more into the recipe. This is because the almond flour packs onto itself after it’s been sitting for a while. That’s why you see it clumping in the bag. 

Icing sugar is the same way, it ends up in little balls instead of staying like a powder.  

When you sift your ingredients and take the time to weigh out your measurements, this is your chance of success when baking macarons.  

cookies and cream icing recipe

How to make your own almond flour for macarons

Making almond flour for macarons is quite easy with the right tools.

Obtain a large amount of blanched almonds.

The skins must be removed. This is because there is quite a bit of oil in the skins, which will make the almonds more like a paste instead of a flour.

With your blanched almonds, grind them into a fine powder using a food processor on high power.

Pulse and blend them until you’re happy with the powdered consistency.

Sift and measure out your almond flour for your macarons.