How to Make Unicorn Macarons

Unicorn macarons are one of the most intricate macarons you can make to bring to a baby shower, or birthday celebration.

Unicorn macarons are so beautifully decorated, your guests will be amazed at how much detail and work you’ve put into these enchanting cookies. See video here.

how to decorate gold unicorn macarons

You will dazzle your friends and family with these adorable desserts. When I brought them to my friend’s birthday, a few of them said they didn’t want to eat them because they were too special!!

Be prepared to decorate your unicorn macarons for at least 2 hours to make sure they’re perfect.

See video below for a quick demo on how to decorate unicorn macarons.

how to make unicorn macarons

What recipe to use for unicorn macarons

You can use your favorite Italian method macaron recipe for your unicorn macarons.

Once you’re ready to pipe your macarons, you can print out your unicorn macaron template.

Follow the directions on how to make your unicorn macarons below.

how to make unicorn macarons

Set of 6 unicorn macarons printable template

Size of unicorn macarons – 2″

2″ in between each unicorn. More than enough space so your unicorns are piped with plenty of room for them to spread out.

how to pipe unicorn macarons

How to make unicorn macarons

  1. Print out your unicorn macaron template.
  2. Place the unicorn macaron template underneath your silicone mat or parchment paper fitted on baking pan.
  3. Pipe your unicorn macarons by piping a round circle for the face. 
  4. Add your ears by piping the edge of the ear and coming down into the round face. 
  5. Add the unicorn horn in the same way, pipe the top, and then come down into the round face.
  6. Pipe all of your unicorn macarons.
  7. Add sprinkles to the forehead of the unicorn before the macaron batter begins to dry.
  8. Come back to your unicorn macarons with a toothpick and guide the unicorn horn into a point.
  9. Remove your template from underneath your silicone mat or parchment paper.
  10. Remove the air bubbles from the macarons by banging the bottom of the baking pan.
  11. Let unicorn macarons dry for 30 minutes.
  12. Bake your unicorn macarons for the same time it says in your recipe, and let them cool. Fill your macarons.
  13. Add eyes and eyelashes with an edible marker.
  14. Use gold dust (powdered food coloring) with a little almond extract and paint the gold unicorn horn using a food safe paint brush.
  15. Use pink powdered food coloring and a little almond extract together to make a paint. Paint the pink color on the inside of the ears of the unicorn using a food safe paint brush.
  16. Let dry for 20 minutes. 
  17. Store your unicorn macarons in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days, or in the freezer for up to 1 month.
how to pipe and decorate unicorn macarons

Find 8 more printable macaron templates to use.

how to bake unicorn macarons
how to make gold unicorn macarons
how to make unicorn macarons at home